Alkhemi Yoga combines elements of holistic flowing yoga, sacred dance, and the principles of Alkhemi Therapy.

Alkhemi Yoga evolved organically and intuitively from my own yoga practice as I gradually realised that the most effective form of healing occurs when dynamic activity, intentional movement, conscious breathwork and relaxation are performed together as part of the same routine.

Early in 2008, a friend mentioned that she’d been attending yoga classes. I had a sudden vision of myself teaching yoga in Egypt. With the sort of synchronicities that only happen when you’re aligned with your Highest Destiny, I discovered Dru Yoga, and a few months later began the Dru Yoga Teacher Training course. Dru Yoga is a gentle but powerful form of yoga, based on flowing movements, directed breathing and visualisation. Rooted in Yogic Philosophy, it embraces modern principles of health and psychology. Although I’d attended yoga classes in my teens and twenties, I was amazed by the impact Dru Yoga had on my fitness and stress levels. What had begun as a master plan to run spiritual and yoga holidays in Egypt quickly became a personal daily practice which kept me sane during a very challenging period of my life. After many years of contemplating health from a mental and emotional perpsective, I began to truly understand the importance of conscious movement and breathwork for optimum health and well-being.

My personal spiritual practice could best be described as a form of ancient Egyptian shamanism, a very personal method I’ve developed over the last two decades which I call Alkhemi Therapy. It’s a psycho-spiritual system of natural healing and self-empowerment, a path of contemporary spirituality with its roots in the sacred wisdom traditions of ancient Egypt. Gradually, my yoga practice and Alkhemi Therapy began to blend together. This process happened very naturally for me - it seems I instinctively see any sacred practice through the lens of ancient Egypt!

A pivotal moment came in 2013 during a dance workshop at the African Drum Village camp ( a week of African percussion and dance workshops in Scotland). As a child I took ballet classes for eight years, and as an adult I have explored tap and bellydance, but African dance was like nothing I’d experienced before. It was exuberant and ecstatic, and reminded me of the sense of freedom I felt in my body as a child. I realised how important it is to experience that freedom and exuberance in our bodies on a regular basis.

Rhythm permeates all of nature, reverberating both within and without us: from every breath we take to the lapping of waves on a seashore; from the beating of our heart to the great cycling of the planets, stars and galaxies, our bodies are bathed with electricalpulsations and biorhythms. Our whole being pulses rhythmically whether we are conscious of it or not. At the centre of our being is the heart, pulsing out a steady rhythm our whole life, in fact, the first rhythm we experience is our mother’s heartbeat. Rhythm is life!

 “In its sacred form, dance is a language that reunites our body, soul and mind. Working through the body we integrate energetic information directly at the cellular level. Through dance the mind entrains with the body, and both grow increasingly more receptive to the creation songs of the greater universe.”

~ Sacred Dance, Sacred Woman, Iris J. Stewart

Through researching ancient and primal dance styles I discovered how dance was an important part of spiritual practice in ancient Egypt, and there is good evidence that the ancient Egyptians practised yoga—like exercises: "The Greeks named the system of mind/body techniques the Egyptians practised in pursuit of expanded consciousness "gymmnosophism". The disciplines they described - rhythmic breathing, visualisation, chanting to to rhythmic accompaniment - appear to be similar to many of the Yogic practices of Hinduism." ~ When the Drummers Were Women, Layne Redmond

As I experimented with Shamanic Trance Dance, 5Rhythms Dance and other forms of ecstatic dance, I realised that the freedom and exhilaration of this style of dance is a perfect counter-balance to the focus and intentionality of yoga. They form two halves of a complete cycle. Every Dru Yoga class begins with 15 minutes of “activiations”, or warm up exercises, and in my personal practice I began to use elements of African, Middle Eastern and shamanic dance as my activations. This gradually extended into a 30 minute routine of sacred dance movements. By this time, at my students request, I was also incorporating useful energywork techniques from Alkhemi Therapy. I am eternally grateful to Dru Yoga for its deep wisdom and potent practice, but in the interests of clarity, I decided to rename my classes “Alkhemi Yoga”.

At the core of Alkhemi Yoga is the Nine Centres Sequence, a flowing sequence which clears and balances the Nine Primary Energy Centres. These Primary Energy Centres form a core template in the body-field, so bringing them into alignment has a direct, harmonising effect on all the centres.

Alkhemi Yoga workshops include the following features:

  • THE HATHOR SEQUENCE: Grounding & Centering Breath, followed by the Hathor Sequence which gently clears, balances and expands the Heart Centre.

  • DANCE ACTIVIATIONS: Warm-ups, followed by a sequence of energising movements inspired by sacred dance from around the world. This releases tension and fatigue, and allows physical circulation and energy to flow freely.

  • THE NINE CENTRES SEQUENCE: a flowing sequence which moves through the Nine Primary Energy Centres of the body-field, releasing tension and blocked energy.

  • POSTURES AND SEQUENCES: individual postures and sequences, such as the Earth Sequence or the Sun Sequence.

  • RELAXATION & ENERGYWORK TECHNIQUES: allows the energy which has been stimulated by movement to anchor and settle in an optimum way to create internal balance.

  • MEDITATION: brings a heightened sense of awareness, clarity and empowerment.

Alkhemi Yoga can be learned in classes/workshops in the UK, or in Egypt as part of Alkhemi Travel tours and retreats.